Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kodee's 1st 3 teeth all in a week

Ok so i know its been's the latest!!!! Kodee gots her crawling down to a tee....she is running from me and everything. She can stand on her knees with no help whatsoever. Its dang cute!!! And she has three teeth within one week. Thats been the hard part. I thought since everything else she has been through..her colds and what not, that she would still be a happy baby like always. Well boy was i wrong!!!!! She is in so much pain, she don't eat, sleep, drink..nothin. It is so sad but two of them are through all the way, its this new one that is hurting her for now. I just can't believe how fast she is growing and how smart and strong she is. Being a mommy is the best thing in the world!!!! As for me and Casey, things are just as amazing as ever...i counldn't ask for a better husband. He is getting ready for race season since its only 2 months away....WOW time we don't see each other as often as i am used to, but its his job and i know he still loves us!!

Smile Big For The Camera

Ha ha this is the cutest picture

1 comment:

  1. Cute blog. I am so glad that I found you. How are things going anyways?
